Projects / Wainuiomata North wastewater network trunk upgrade

Wainuiomata North wastewater network trunk upgrade

Current status

Wellington Water, on behalf of Hutt City Council, is planning to upgrade the Wainuiomata north wastewater network trunk to cater for expected residential development and improve network performance.


If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

We are currently carrying out site investigations to locate services and inform design of the works programme.

This will be happening between  Monday, 24 April  through to Saturday 6 May 2023.

Hours of work will generally be 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and Saturday 29 April 1pm to 3pm.


Why are we doing this?

The wastewater network downstream of residential growth areas in Upper Wellington Rd and Upper Wise Street -Trelawny Road has limited capacity to cope with the predicted increased flows. The pipes are also ageing and in bad structural condition. 


What are we doing?

This project will involve replacing a section of the wastewater trunk mains to provide for the expected growth, maintain reliable and resilient wastewater services and protect the environment and public health.