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Standards and specifications

The Regional Standard for Water Services December 2021 provides a regionally consistent method of design and implementation of stormwater, wastewater, and water supply services to meet the outcomes of: safe and healthy water, respectful of the environment and resilient networks support our economy.

The document provides minimum standards for the design and construction of proposed three waters infrastructure that will be vested in council, and to the maintenance, renewal, upgrade or decommissioning of existing public infrastructure.

The Regional Standard for Water Services (RSWS) is to be used in conjunction with the Regional Specification for Water Services - December 2021, which contains the minimum technical specifications for the materials, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of the stormwater, wastewater and water supply networks. 

We encourage all developments where older versions are referenced to meet the most recent version where possible. This is because the most recent versions provide requirements closer aligned with current best practice. Please send any enquires to

Public consultation 

You can now provide feedback on the draft revisions to the Regional Standard for Water Services and the Regional Specification for Water Services until 3 September 2024. 

Feedback on the draft revision  linked above will be used to inform the final version.

Please note that for this revision, we will focus on comments specific to sections with proposed revisions. Comments on other sections or on the overall documents are welcomed, but they are unlikely to be addressed for this revision.

Please email your feedback to

Tracked Draft v3.1 documents and Summary Information Table

What are the Regional Standard for Water Services and the Regional Specification for Water Services?

The STD_0001 Regional Standard for Water Services (RSWS) incorporates the STD_0002 Regional Specification for Water Services (R.Spec). Together, these documents outline the minimum standards and specifications required for designing and constructing stormwater, wastewater and water supply systems that are, or will be, vested in the councils. The documents also include provisions for connecting to the networks as well as for maintaining, renewing, decommissioning and upgrading existing public infrastructure.

The standards and specifications provide a consistent method for designing and constructing water services, so that the assets transferred to the councils are of good quality and fit for purpose.

We encourage all developments where older versions are referenced to meet the most recent version where possible. This is because the most recent version include requirements that closely align with current best practices.

Why are we making this minor revision?

STD_0001 Regional Standard for Water Services (RSWS) and STD_0002 Regional Specification for Water Services (R.Spec) were last revised in November 2021 and published as version v3.0. These documents are revised regularly to respond to the changes in policies, best practices, and referenced standards and legislation.

This proposed revision is a minor revision, and most of the proposed changes are clarifications.

What do the proposed revisions include?

The proposed revisions focus on the following topics:

  • Reference to legislation – Deleted the reference to Water Reform. The references to drinking water regulations now refer to Taumata Arowai and the Water Services Act 2021.
  • Alternative solutions and dispensation – STD_0001 and STD_0002 now refer to the use of the Dispensation Procedure.
  • Building over or near – Clarification in STD_0001 and STD_0002 include the standard detail (DR09) that written approval is needed.
  • Building over or near – Clarification in STD_0001 and STD_0002 now include the standard detail (DR09) that written approval is needed.
  • CIPP lining – Rehabilitation is an alternative solution that requires dispensation. New specifications are provided in STD_0002 for CIPP lining of water pressure pipes.
  • Climate change – Added a cross reference to design requirements for stormwater in the wastewater and water supply sections. Added information on use of adaptive pathways planning approach.
  • Sea level rise – In accordance with the new guidance issued by the Ministry for the Environment, projections of sea-level rise in STD_0001 now refer to vertical land movement.
  • Wastewater residential design flows – Added a new section for assessing wastewater flows in existing catchments with potentially high inflow and infiltration.
  • Reservoirs – Added the criteria for qualified reservoir designers in STD_0001 and numerous changes to the specifications in STD_0002.
  • Backfill compaction testing – This testing now allows the use of Clegg Hammer instead of Scala.
  • PE welding of pressure pipe – Added additional requirements for testing of PE welds.
  • Scour valves – Amended standard detail WS06 and revised some of the clauses in the STD_0002.
  • Thrust blocks – Added clarifications on standard detail WS03.


View the Summary of Table Changes for detailed information on the proposed changes.

Approved products register 

Specialised items, such as pumps, radio transmitters and electrical components, are not included in this list. Prior to design, the designer should confirm the specifications for these specialised items with Wellington Water.

Where a product is not included on the APR, it should be assumed that the product has not been approved and its use would need project-specific approval from Wellington Water. 

For information about whether the product meets material specifications for its proposed use and applying to include products on the register, please check our Approved products register webpage.

Revising and reviewing regional standards and specifications

The Regional Standard for Water Services and Regional Specification for Water Services are revised on a regular basis to respond to changes in policy, best practice, technology, referenced standards and legislation.
Revisions to the previous version of the Regional Standard and the Regional Specification can be viewed in the following documents:

Regional Standard for Water Services December 2021 Version 3.0

Regional Specification for Water Services December 2021 Version 3.0

The most significant revisions focus on the following matters:

  • Reformatting - the documents use numbered and multi-level paragraphs
  • Seismic resilience - requirements address all three waters
  • Building over or near public pipelines – new requirements and specifications
  • Hydrological design – a revised method for assessing hydrology
  • Stormwater level of service and mitigation - requirements are now consistent
  • Stormwater intake structure – revised design standards
  • Pumping stations – clearer provisions for wastewater and water supply pump stations
  • Manhole safety grilles – new requirements to prevent falls
  • Excavation – revised specifications
  • Drawings - now included in the R.Spec, including new drawings for backflow prevention and water supply assets.

All changes are recorded in the following document can be viewed in Summary of Information Table: Revision of Regional Standard and Specification -Version 3.0.

You can view a summary of feedback on draft versions and responses in Response to feedback on the Draft RSWS and Draft R.Spec  

Future revisions:

We are happy to receive requests for revisions at any time via the following options.

Post: Wellington Water Limited, Private Bag 39-804, Wellington Mail Centre 5045, Lower Hutt, c/- Standards

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