Projects / Omāroro Water Reservoir

Omāroro Water Reservoir

All Updates

Omāroro will provide critical additional bulk water storage for Wellington’s central business district area and low-lying suburbs to improve operational and disaster resilience.


If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Latest Updates

10 November 2023

With planting completed, we're now waiting for grass on the sports fields to establish.

3 May 2023

Reservoir project on track for completion in Winter

Community Reference Group

The Community Reference Group is a forum for the community and stakeholders to be actively involved in the project planning and management. Established as part of the project’s consenting requirements, the CRG is made up of representatives of key residential and community organisations and meets regularly with the project team.


Omāroro will provide critical additional bulk water storage for Wellington’s central business district area and low-lying suburbs to improve operational and disaster resilience.

Omāroro involves constructing:

  • a 35 million litre buried concrete reservoir in Prince of Wales Park in the Town Belt
  • connecting it to the existing water supply with a supporting new pipeline corridor along Wallace Street
  • renewing of local water supplies, stormwater pipes and wastewater pipes in the area


Omāroro is a joint project led by Wellington Water, which manages the city’s drinking water, stormwater and wastewater; working with Wellington City Council and the Greater Wellington Regional Council 

Iwi Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Taranaki Whānui) and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated (Toa Rangatira) are strategic partners in the council’s decision making process as our Tiriti o Waitangi partners.

And it involves the community. Right from the start, we’ve worked closely with residents and businesses most affected by the project ensuring they are informed and able to have input every step of the way.  The Community Reference Group is a forum for active community and stakeholder involvement during the construction phase.

Why resilience?

It’s important for a city to have enough water stored to allow for at least two days’ normal use and to enable repairs, maintenance and upgrades to be done without disrupting supply.

That’s called operational resilience and right now our city’s storage capacity is not up to scratch.

The city’s water supply network is also vulnerable. Underground pipes and reservoirs could be badly damaged in a significant earthquake and as a result some suburbs could be without drinking water for more than 100 days.

Our resilience programme

Omāroro is part of Wellington Water’s ongoing work to improve the resilience of the region’s water supply network and increase water storage in case of a disaster.

Over the last two years, we have established a new above ground emergency water network that will supply more than 400,000 people across Wellington from day eight following a disaster.

It’s important to remember that following a major earthquake, the first thing people rely on is themselves and their families, so storing water is a must for every household.

You should have 20 litres of stored water for every person, every day, for at least seven days.

This page is an archive of all consenting documents (top list) and Community Reference Group documents  (scroll down to the second list to access these). 

Consenting documents

An archive of all documents related to the consenting processes, for viewing and download

Omāroro Reservoir Project - Environmental Noise Review Project

June 2021 Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

June 2021 Certified Landscape & Ecological Management Plan (LEMP)

June 2021 Certified Construction Traffic Management Plan (TMP)

June 2021 Certified Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP)

June 2021 Certified Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Revision B 090621

Appendix 1 Plans Consolidation Acceptance - included in certification letter

Appendix 2 Extent of physical works drawings - 322262332-CE-1102

Appendix 3 GWRC Resource consents WGN 1800065[35008-10]

Appendix 5 Alteration to Designation 135 

Appendix 6 WCC Town Belt Act Licence 1

Appendix 7 SQE Policy V2.0

Appendix 8 Organisational Chart

Appendix 9A ISO 9001-2015

Appendix 9B ISO 14001-2015

Appendix 9C ISO 45001-2018

Appendix 10 Archaeological Toolbox Topic 1 - New Zealand's Heritage

Appendix 11 Archaeological Toolbox Topic 2 - Working with archaeological sites

Appendix 12 - Archaeological Toolbox Topic 3 - Accidental Discovery Protocols (rev 2) April 2019

Appendix 13 SQE 030-GN-005 1. Hazardous Substances Management - Overview

Appendix 14 SQE 030-GN-005 2. Hazardous Substances Management - Risk Assessment

Appendix 15 SQE 030-GN-005 3. Hazardous Substances Management - HSNO Hazard Descriptions

Appendix 16 SQE 030-GN-005 4. Hazardous Substances Management - Administrative controls

Appendix 17 SQE 030-GN-005 5. Hazardous Substances Management - Training certification

Appendix 18 SQE 030-GN-005 6. Hazardous Substances Management - Safe storage - handling

Appendix 19 SQE 030-GN-005 7. Hazardous Substances Management - Training resource checklist

Appendix 20 SQE 030-GN-005 8. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 1. Hazardous substances at work

Appendix 21 SQE 030-GN-005 9. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 2. Safe use storage and disposal

Appendix 22 SQE 030-GN-005 10. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 3. Use storage cleaning PPE

Appendix 23 SQE 030-GN-005 11. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 4. Common control measures

Appendix 24 SQE 030-GN-005 12. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 5, SDS and product labels

Appendix 25 SQE 030-GN-005 3. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 6. Emergency response plans

Appendix 26 Resource Consent WGN200317 and Appendix A

Appendix 27 Alteration-to-Designation

Appendix 28 Signed-Variation-to-Licence

Community Reference Group (CRG) Feedback

Omāroro Reservoir Certification Letters June 2021

Omāroro Reservoir - WCC Noise Report - Final 7 May 2021

Omāroro Reservoir Pre- Construction Road Survey - Final Report, images and videos

Final Report

Omāroro Reservoir Pre-Construction Pavement Report Rev 2_Finalised report

Salisbury Terrace

Photos and



Salisbury Terrace footpath RH



Salisbury Terrace footpath LH



Salisbury Terrace road

Rolleston St

Photos folder 1.ziip

Photos folder

Photos folder

Photos folder

Photos folder



Rolleston Street footpaths



Rolleston Street

Rolleston and Wallace streets intersection

Lower field access and carparking access




Carpark link driveway



Dojo carpark

Hargreaves Street cul-de-sac



Papawai Stream options Assessment

UPDATED DRAFT Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

Omaroro CEMO Revision B 220121

Appendix 1 Plans Consolidation Acceptance - included in certification letter

Appendix 2 Extent of physical works drawings - 322262332-CE-1102

Appendix 3 GWRC Resource consents WGN 1800065[35008-10]

Appendix 4 WCC Resource Consent SR447741

Appendix 5 Alteration to Designation 135 

Appendix 6 WCC Town Belt Act Licence 1

Appendix 7 SQE Policy V2.0

Appendix 8 Organisational Chart

Appendix 9A ISO 9001-2015

Appendix 9B ISO 14001-2015

Appendix 9C ISO 45001-2018

Appendix 10 Archaeological Toolbox Topic 1 - New Zealand's Heritage

Appendix 11 Archaeological Toolbox Topic 2 - Working with archaeological sites

Appendix 12 - Archaeological Toolbox Topic 3 - Accidental Discovery Protocols (rev 2) April 2019

Appendix 13 SQE 030-GN-005 1. Hazardous Substances Management - Overview

Appendix 14 SQE 030-GN-005 2. Hazardous Substances Management - Risk Assessment

Appendix 15 SQE 030-GN-005 3. Hazardous Substances Management - HSNO Hazard Descriptions

Appendix 16 SQE 030-GN-005 4. Hazardous Substances Management - Administrative controls

Appendix 17 SQE 030-GN-005 5. Hazardous Substances Management - Training certification

Appendix 18 SQE 030-GN-005 6. Hazardous Substances Management - Safe storage - handling

Appendix 19 SQE 030-GN-005 7. Hazardous Substances Management - Training resource checklist

Appendix 20 SQE 030-GN-005 8. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 1. Hazardous substances at work

Appendix 21 SQE 030-GN-005 9. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 2. Safe use storage and disposal

Appendix 22 SQE 030-GN-005 10. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 3. Use storage cleaning PPE

Appendix 23 SQE 030-GN-005 11. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 4. Common control measures

Appendix 24 SQE 030-GN-005 12. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 5, SDS and product labels

Appendix 25 SQE 030-GN-005 3. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 6. Emergency response plans

Appendix 26 Resource Consent WGN200317 and Appendix A

Appendix 27 Alteration-to-Designation

Appendix 28 Signed-Variation-to-Licence

Update draft Eroision and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

Updated Draft Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)

Updated Draft Landscape & Ecological Management Plan (LEMP)

Peer Reviews 11 January 2021

Omaroro Reservoir Community Reference Group Comment Sheet

Response to Omaroro Reservoir Community Reference Group Management Plan Review Feedback DRAFT

Omaroro Reservoir Letters of Certification

CERTIFIED Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)

Omaroro CEMP Revision A 170820

Appendix 2 Extent of physical works drawings - 322262332-CE-1102

Appendix 3 GWRC Resource consents WGN 1800065[35008-10]

Appendix 4 WCC Resource Consent SR337741

Appendix 5 WCC Designation 135 Conditions

Appendix 6 WCC Town Belt Act Licence 1

Appendix 7 SQE Policy V2.0

Appendix 8 Organisational Chart

Appendix 9A ISO 9001-2015

Appendix 9B ISO 14001-2015

Appendix 9C ISO 45001-2018

Appendix 10 Archaeological Toolbox Topic 1 - New Zealand's Heritage

Appendix 11 Archaeological Toolbox Topic 2 - Working with archaeological sites

Appendix 12 - Archaeological Toolbox Topic 3 - Accidental Discovery Protocols (rev 2) April 2019

Appendix 13 SQE 030-GN-005 1. Hazardous Substances Management - Overview

Appendix 14 SQE 030-GN-005 2. Hazardous Substances Management - Risk Assessment


Appendix 16 SQE 030-GN-005 4. Hazardous Substances Management - Administrative controls

Appendix 17 SQE 030-GN-005 5. Hazardous Substances Management - Training controls

Appendix 18 SQE 030-GN-005 6. Hazardous Substances Management - Safe storage handling

Appendix 19 SQE 030-GN-005 7. Hazardous Substances Management - Training resource checklist

Appendix 20 SQE 030-GN-005 8. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 1. Hazardous Substances at Work

Appendix 21 SQE 030-GN-005 9. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 2. Safe Use Storage and Disposal

Appendix 22 SQE 030-GN-005 10. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 3. Use storage cleaning PPE

Appendix 23 SQE 030-GN-005 11. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 4. Common control measures

Appendix 24 SQE 030-GN-005 12. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 5, SDS and product labels

Appendix 25 SQE 030-GN-005 3. Hazardous Substances Toolbox 6. Emergency response plans

CERTIFIED Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

CERTIFIED Construction and Noise Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP)

CERTIFIED Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)

CERTIFIED Landscape & Ecological Management Plan (LEMP)

Response to Omaroro Reservoir Community Reference Group Management Plan Review Feedback DRAFT


Wildlife Act Authority

Application to Vary Licence Boundary

NOR Application for Alteration to Designation

Resource Consent - Relocation of Stormwater Inlet

NES Application and Approval


Town Belt Application and Agenda

Regional Consent Application

Community Reference Group Documents

CRG Code of Conduct, Terms of Reference, Members

The Group operates under agreed terms of reference and to a code of conduct. Click on the following links to view or download these documents. 

Community Reference Group Terms of Reference May 2019

CRG Code of conduct

CRG Membership List 1 Aug 2020 9

9 February 2023 meeting

10 November meeting 2022

11 August Meeting 2022

12 May Meeting - postponed to May 25 2022

10 February 2022

2022 Meeting Schedule

Agreed Meeting dates for 2022 are:

  • 10 February 2022
  • 12 May 2022
  • 11 August 2022
  • 10 November 2022

11 November 2021 Meeting

12 August 2021 Meeting

10 June 2021

8 April 2021 Meeting

11 February 2021 Meeting

2021 Proposed Meeting Schedule

July - November Meeting Schedule

12 November 2020

1 October Meeting 2020

26 August Meeting 2020

16 July meeting 2020

16 July Meeting 2020

11 June Meeting 2020

7 May Meeting 2020

12 March Meeting 2020

12 February 2020 Meeting

16 January 2020 Meeting

5 November 2019 Meeting

3 October 2019 Meeting

5 September 2019 Meeting

8 August 2019 Meeting

4 July Meeting 2019

13 June 2019 Meeting

16 May Meeting 2019

All Updates

10 November 2023

All work and planting on site has been completed.

Once the grass on the sports fields has established, fences will be removed and a formal opening ceremony will be held, including handover of the site in the Wellington Town Belt back to Wellington City Council and the public.


3 May 2023

Backfilling of Omāroro Reservoir is nearly finished and work is underway on the final phases of reinstating the playing fields and planting natives around the sides of the site.

The new 35 million litre bulk water storage facility, which was put into service in December last year will be fully buried once completed. Backfilling, using excavated material from the site  started in early March, and the whole project will have taken three years by the time it is fully completed in Winter this year.

Along with new playing fields and native plantings, the final phase includes a five-year project under which the landscape will be monitored and managed to ensure it is fully restored and revegetated.

Its completion is a big step towards building more resilience into Wellington’s water supply network.

The reservoir will extend the amount of time the central business district has a water supply from 24 to 48 hours in a situation where the main supply of water from the Hutt Valley is cut or there is an unforeseen treatment plant. 

It is also vitally important following a major emergency event such as a large earthquake, as it provides critical drinking water to support the community through the immediate survival and stability phase, and then to a longer-term restoration and recovery period.

A formal opening ceremony will be held once the project is completed, including handover of the site in the Wellington Town Belt back to Wellington City Council.




16 September 2022

One step closer

Omāroro Reservoir is one step closer to being fully operational by the end of the year!
12 May 2022

Open Day at Omāroro Reservoir

The Omāroro reservoir project will be open to visitors on Saturday 21 May, an opportunity for local residents to enter the reservoir and see the scale of the project from the inside
25 March 2022

Roof pour set for April 7

We have now confirmed a new date for the first roof pour on Thursday 7th April, starting before sunrise to take advantage of cooler temperatures.
18 February 2022

Roofing the reservoir

With the reservoir walls now complete along with other critical structural tasks done, the next stage will involve putting a roof on the reservoir.
9 December 2021

Meri Kirihiemte

A lot has been happening since our last update, including landing 52 of the wall panels, with the aim of completing the walls so the reservoir is fully enclosed before the Christmas shutdown.
2 August 2021

Prepping for base 2

With the first half of the concrete base slab poured, over the next weeks we'll be prepping for the second pour. But first - we want to say a big thankyou to our local residents for their forbearance as we carry out this important task.
7 July 2021

Ready for the big pour

The team is preparing for the big concrete pour to fill the first half of the reservoir floor - an exciting project milestone.
8 June 2021

Sneak preview for pre-schoolers

Seeing a huge crane, wearing hi-viz vests and hard hats was all part of the fun for four tamariki from community childcare centre PolyHigh who recently visited the Omāroro site.
30 April 2021

The shape of things to come

Things are getting really exciting up at the reservoir site, where crews have been making exceptional progress and over the next few months will see things taking shape.
7 April 2021

Clay to a good cause

Clay excavated from the Omāroro reservoir site is now forming the best part of a new bike pump track at Ridgeway Park for the local school.
20 January 2021

New Year update

Happy New Year and let's take a look at the great progress made in the last month, what's happening in the next few months - including monthly opportunities for public to visit the site.
14 November 2020

Community replanting day

Blessed by a sunny Spring day, members of the community gathered on Saturday to collect trees, shrubs and ferns from the reservoir site for transplanting elsewhere in the Town Belt.
30 October 2020

Site set up progresses

Eleven new residents' carparks have been created at the top of Rolleston Street and a new pedestrian path connecting Rolleston to Hargreaves streets completed as part of ongoing work to set up the Omāroro Reservoir site.
21 July 2020

Dawn blessing marks start of construction

A dawn blessing on 30 July for Wellington City’s Omāroro water reservoir in the Town Belt marks the next phase of construction for the project that will provide a major lift for the city’s safe drinking water resilience.