Projects / Wakefield Street Wastewater Rising Main – Stage 2

Wakefield Street Wastewater Rising Main – Stage 2

Current status

On behalf of Wellington City Council, we are constructing a new wastewater rising main along Wakefield Street that links the existing Kent Terrace rising main and the new Taranaki Street rising main.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Current Update

Stage 1 construction was completed in December 2022.

Stage 2 will commence  the week beginning 2 October 2024. 



What are we doing?

Wellington Water is building a new rising main (pressurised pipe) along Wakefield Street as part of the major Wellington CBD renewals programme involving six projects over five years.

We are:

Constructing a new wastewater rising main along Wakefield Street that links the existing Kent Terrace rising main and the new Taranaki Street rising main.


This new rising main will provide additional storage and redundancy to the network, allowing an alternative route for pumping flows during planned or unplanned maintenance of the Kent Terrace rising main.


The Wakefield St rising main project is being done in two stages. Stage 1 has been completed with the renewal of the section of Wakefield Street between the intersection with Tory Street and the BP Petrol Station on the corner of Wakefield and Taranaki Streets.

Stage 2 will commence late 2024 and includes installing approximately 270m of pipe on Wakefield Street between Tory Street and Kent Terrace and approximately 50m of pipe on Chaffers Street between Wakefield Street and Pump Station 4, located at the Chaffers St entrance to the New World car park.